Color Guard and Percussion Circuit

Guard Classifications
Elementary (Scholastic ONLY)
CADET guards are limited to Elementary and/or Middle school units.
Age Limit: All members must be from same school.
Max. Performance Time: 4.5
Min. Performance Time: 2.0
Interval Time: 7.0
Min. Equipment Time: 2.0
Cadet (Scholastic ONLY)
CADET guards are limited to Elementary and/or Middle school units.
Age Limit: All members must be from same school.
Max. Performance Time: 4.5
Min. Performance Time: 3.0
Interval Time: 7.0
Min. Equipment Time: 3.0
Novice (Scholastic ONLY)
NOVICE guards are limited to first year competitive high school units and to high school “feeder” units for the Scholastic classification. A unit can be in Novice class if they have been inactive for one full season.
Age Limit: All members must be from same high school.
Max. Performance Time: 4.5
Min. Performance Time: 3.0
Interval Time: 7.0
Min. Equipment Time: 3.0
Scholastic Regional A
REGIONAL A is consistently aged 14 through 17 because of the high school affiliation. This class is for non-nationally competing classes. This class usually consists of groups in regional competition only.
Age Limit: All members must be from same high school.
Max. Performance Time: 4.5
Min. Performance Time: 3.0
Interval Time: 7.0
Min. Equipment Time: 3.0
Scholastic A
SCHOLASTIC A is consistently aged 14 through 17 because of the high school affiliation. This class is the youngest of the nationally competing classes. This class usually consists of well-established groups.
Age Limit: All members must be from same high school.
Max. Performance Time: 5.5
Min. Performance Time: 4.0
Interval Time: 8.0
Min. Equipment Time: 3.5
Scholastic Open
REGIONAL A is consistently aged 14 through 17 because of the high school affiliation. This class is for non-nationally competing classes. This class usually consists of groups in regional competition only.
Age Limit: All members must be from same high school.
Max. Performance Time: 6.5
Min. Performance Time: 4.0
Interval Time: 9.0
Min. Equipment Time: 3.5
Scholastic World
SCHOLASTIC WORLD is consistently aged 14 through 17 because of the make-up of the high school arena. These guards are the epitome of the high school classes, displaying the most creative programs while displaying very strong skills.
Age Limit: All members must be from same high school.
Max. Performance Time: 7.5
Min. Performance Time: 4.0
Interval Time: 10.0
Min. Equipment Time: 3.5
Independent Regional A
Independent REGIONAL A is intended for units that do not have all members from one school system or independent groups that are not competing in national classes. This class usually consists of groups in regional competition only.
Age Limit: 22 years old and under.
Max. Performance Time: 4.5
Min. Performance Time: 3.0
Interval Time: 7.0
Min. Equipment Time: 3.0
Independent A
INDEPENDENT A is intended for units that do not have all members from one school system. This class typically contains a wide range of age and skill differences within a unit.
Age Limit: 22 years old and under
Max. Performance Time: 5.5
Min. Performance Time: 4.0
Interval Time: 8.0
Min. Equipment Time: 3.5
Independent Open
INDEPENDENT OPEN is intended for the more advanced independent guard. Performers within a guard can range from 15 to 22 years of age. There is a greater consistency in the range of skills and physical development than the A class guards.
Age Limit: 22 years old and under
Max. Performance Time: 6.5
Min. Performance Time: 4.0
Interval Time: 9.0
Min. Equipment Time: 3.5
Independent World
INDEPENDENT WORLD has no age limit. These performers demonstrate the highest level of achievement in both design and skill display.
Age Limit: None
Max. Performance Time: 7.5
Min. Performance Time: 4.0
Interval Time: 10.0
Min. Equipment Time: 3.5
Independent Senior
INDEPENDENT SENIOR is intended for units that typically contain a wide range of age and skill differences within a unit.
Age Limit: None
Max. Performance Time: 5.5
Min. Performance Time: 4.0
Interval Time: 8.0
Min. Equipment Time: 3.5